2024/25 Services &Fees

We offer three different assessment packages to suit many home situations.  Suitable if you are either building, buying or maintaining a home along with litigation consulting.  We also offer a thermal imaging option for all packages.

Along with each package you will get:

  • On three of the four packages you will get both Paul and Cam together on-site completing your assessment.
  • You will get a firm quote for our services; we are not “on the clock” we take the time necessary to explain your homes evaluated status.
  • Access to us after you have received your assessment for questions or any explanations about your assessment.

For more details and description of what a CAC assessment involves, please contact us for a full description of our services.  We would be pleased to explain and describe how our detailed written assessments can help you.


We service all of Ontario. Travel time calculated for servicing any area outside our office districts (London & Ottawa/Kingston) Please contact us for additional information.

Building Maintenance Assessment

Our most popular package, giving homeowners peace of mind as they proceed to maintain their homes.  This assessment package is especially helpful for Seniors who are concerned about getting maintenance work done around their home and not being taken advantage of by unscrupulous contractors.

You will be asked to prepare a list of issues or concerns that you have before the assessment. This list will be reviewed before the team begins your assessment. Once your assessment is completed you will receive a detailed report. This assessment has been at times accepted by mortgage providers and Insurance companies.

We highly recommend that you are present for this assessment as you will get the most out of our interactions with you in the moment. This Assessment can take multiple hours, relevant to the size and age of the home.

We will review all of your home, both exterior and interior, following a CAC assessment format that we developed over years of experience.  You will be given a blank copy so you can make your own notes as we complete your assessment.

We will document all visual concerns, using digital reference as needed.  We will recommend remedial work and if you are hoping to do some of the work yourself, we will explain in plain English how this can be done.


Building/Renovation Home Consulting Package

This package is for the client who wants to be involved in their renovation or construction of a new home.  It is geared towards reducing the confusion of permit application, understanding builders terminology of home assembly and wanting to have a comfort level that you are getting the best value for your project dollars.

Cam and Paul will attend the first meeting and review all your plans, quotes received and any relevant documents “before” you begin your dream project.  We will include step-by-step written documentation upon the process based upon records provided.

By experience, this initial meeting will present paperwork that needs your review.  At a follow-up meeting either Cam or Paul will present our recommendations in a written report and provide answers to your questions at this stage.  This package has proven invaluable to our clients who have limited construction experience.


Home and/or Site Assessment for Litigation Preparation

This assessment is an intensive review of all documentation currently involved in the pending or present litigation.  This package is commonly used for a new home build where the builder has failed in their contractual obligations or a contractor who has not complied with plans on the construction of a major renovation.

In he event this is a new home and the new home warranty program is involved this entails substantial site and report documentation.  The Tarion Warranty program is complex and paper-burdened.  Client will be request to provide all relevant documentation for review before we attend for the site assessment.

Our reporting has been used for litigation negotiation/arbitration between the parties or in court filings.  Cam has experience as a professional witness in the counties documented.  Both Cam and Paul will attend the initial site assessment and we often find that at least one additional site review is needed.  There are commonly a number of meetings during this process often involving your attorney, depending upon the scope of the work required.  We factor in additional two (2) on-site/zoom/teleconference meetings in our quote.  We will bring in a fully licensed professional trades of the discipline in question for a third party review as needed, along with our assessment.  Our final report is presented within 72 hours of completion of the site assessment.


Thermal Imaging Option

A TI or Thermal Image review is most often used for confirmation of energy loss in a building.  This review covers the entire home, both inside and out, along with any areas that the client has specific concerns.  Along with heat loss, it can be used for electrical panel evaluation, flat roof leakage investigation and some instances where water invasion in a home is suspected.  Client is required to be in attendance during this assessment so they can view the areas of concern that the camera screen is showing and make appropriate notes.  You will get to talk with the TI camera operator and obtain recommendations on remedial action.


About Us

Cam Allen & Paul Zammit

Fragile Shelters

Fall 2024

Book a consultation with Cam or Paul.



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